
Brown and white Pit Bull sits by the ice cream van
© Screenshot / Rumble

Pitbull patiently waits in line for ice cream van, everyone is in stitches (video)

By Greta Inglis Dog Behaviourist | Animal Behaviourist

Published on the

It's not just us humans that love ice cream, as this adorable video goes to show. When he sees the ice cream van, this dog knows exactly what to do. 

There's nothing like the tune of an ice cream van to put a smile on people's faces, and it seems the same can be said for this crafty canine. 

Running excitedly towards the van, he knew exactly what was going on. 

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The happiest boy

As the clip begins, the bouncy Pitbull Terrier is seen impatiently looking at his owner. It's almost as if he's saying, "Come on, Mum, hurry up!"

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Positioning himself perfectly in front of the van, he patiently waits his turn.

Gone in seconds

His owner orders a scoop of vanilla with a cone, but it isn't for her, it's for her canine companion. 

Furiously wagging his tail, the adorable pup demolishes the ice cream cone in a matter of seconds, leaving no trace of the tasty treat behind.

His joy had people smiling around the neighbourhood and beyond. The clip has been seen 23 million times, with one viewer commenting,"his beautiful temperament comes from having such a loving owner who brought him up properly and taught him manners. Great job mom!" 

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