
Tiny brown and white puppy tied to a tree
© Friends of Lewis County, KY Animals/ Facebook

Driver left speechless after they spot a tiny creature tied to a tree

By Greta Inglis Dog Behaviourist | Animal Behaviourist

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A driver was left in shock after a tiny figure caught her eye on the side of the road. She immediately called in the rescue team, who stepped in to help.

Driving down the road in Kentucky, a kind samaritan couldn't believe her eyes when she spotted a tiny puppy tied to a tree. 

Patiently waiting for someone to notice her, this defenceless little baby was in urgent need of rescue. 

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Abandoned and alone

The puppy, who was later named Ladybird, had been cruelly abandoned. 

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At only 7-weeks-old, she was lucky to have even been found. The driver passed her just in time and contacted Lewis County Animal Shelter to take her in.  

A loving foster

Aware that their facilities were no place for a puppy to stay long term, the shelter got in touch with Kim Desroches, who works with Friends of Lewis County. They quickly reached out to their team of volunteers, to find out if anyone could offer her a temporary home. 

A volunteer saw her picture and came forward, taking her in as an emergency foster. 

Friends of Lewis County shared Ladybird's story alongside an important message. "Please don't abandon babies! If they need somewhere to go immediately, please talk to the shelter or reach out to us". Young puppies are so vulnerable, and at huge risk of injury or illness if abandoned in such a heartless manner. 

Thankfully, this adorable girl is safe, surrounded by the love and warmth of a home while she waits to find her forever family. 

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