
Cat sleeping under a towel
© Bikkie and Peanut/ TikTok

Owner tries to stop cat sleeping on pillow, but she has other ideas (video)

By Greta Inglis Dog Behaviourist | Animal Behaviourist

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Tired of her cat always choosing her pillow, El thought she had come up with a cunning solution. But Peanut quickly outsmarted her, in an adorable move that captured hearts around the world.

Cat mum to Peanut and Bikkie, El regularly shares their antics on TikTok. 

One of her most popular videos shows the despairing owner attempting to keep Peanut off her pillow. But the calico cat clearly has the upper hand, inventing a solution that has people in stitches. 

Cunning cat 

As she approaches the bed, it seems El's plan may actually have worked. Bikke is calmly resting, and Peanut is nowhere to be seen. 

The pillow is covered by a towel, which looks to be firmly in place... until El creeps a little closer. 

Peeking out from under the cover is a little pink nose, barely visible from afar. 

Support for Peanut

Hundreds of people left messages of support for Peanut and El, with many even sharing similar stories of their own. 

"I discovered the other day that my cat does this with the blanket I put over mine", explained one viewer, while another described how "we have a fitted sheet that's a size bigger than our bed. We put it on top of everything so it tucks in around the mattress". 

"Aww, she has a blanket now" wrote Sofia. And it seems Peanut would agree wholeheartedly, happily snoozing away in her favourite place. 

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