
Muzzle for XL Bully: Bull breed with muzzle
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How to muzzle train your XL Bully: Preparation for the ban

By Greta Inglis Dog Behaviourist | Animal Behaviourist

Published on the

With the upcoming ban coming into effect on the 31st of December, American XL Bully dogs will have to wear a muzzle when in public in the UK. Here's how to prepare your four-legged friend.

From Sunday the 31st of December 2023, it will be a legal requirement for XL Bully dogs to wear a muzzle and to remain on lead at all times when in public. 

While muzzle training can seem daunting at first, there are tips and techniques to help prepare your dog for the upcoming regulations.

What is the law regarding muzzles and the XL Bullies? 

From the 31st of December, XL Bully dogs will be added to the list of banned breeds under the Dangerous Dogs Act 1991. From this date, it will be illegal to breed, sell, rehome, advertise, exchange or gift dogs of this breed. American XL Bullies must be registered on the Index of Exempted Dogs, and they will need to be muzzled and on-lead when in public. 

What is the best muzzle for the XL Bully?

Choosing the right muzzle is an important step when it comes to preparing your XL Bully for the upcoming ban. 

The muzzle should fit comfortably, with enough space available to open their mouth, pant and drink. It should allow adequate airflow, with adjustable straps that hold it securely in place at all times. 

How to measure for the right muzzle: Safety and comfort 

Basket muzzles with a padded frame are perhaps the safest and most comfortable option for your pet. 

To work out the measurements of a muzzle for your XL Bully you will need to consider the following:

  • Measure the length of your dog's snout, from the tip of their nose to 1/2 an inch below their eyes. 
  • Measure the circumference of the snout, with their mouth closed. 
  • The length of the muzzle should be 1/2 an inch longer than the length of their snout, to ensure it doesn't touch the front of their nose. It should be 1-3 inches wider than their snout, to ensure they can open their mouth when needed and breath comfortably at all times.

Do bear in mind you can always consult manufacturers for guidance and advice: 

How to muzzle train your XL Bully

Muzzle training your XL Bully should be a gradual process, allowing them to build positive associations over time. 

Introduce the muzzle slowly, by leaving treats on the ground around it. As your dog starts interacting with it, you can feed treats from inside the muzzle, encouraging them to put their noses into it. Repeat this over several training sessions.

Once they seem comfortable with this, you can start holding the straps, rewarding them as you do so. Take care not to rush to fasten the straps too quickly. Build up the time you hold the straps, moving them further behind the ears as your dog becomes more comfortable. 

If your dog tries to remove the muzzle, it's important not to tell them off. You simply need to go back a step, building on previous stages. After repeated sessions holding the straps, you can begin fastening the muzzle.

You can gradually increase the time the muzzle is on, starting with time spent around the garden and at home.  Rewarding consistently and looking for signs of discomfort from your pet will play an important part in ensuring they are ready for the time they will have to wear a muzzle when on walks in public. 

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Is it legal to have an XL Bully?

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