
Kitten found in leaves with crusty eyes

Richard the kitten was found in a heartbreaking condition.

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A kitten is found in dead leaves: time is running out to save it

By Zoë Monk Content Writer

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A seemingly ordinary day quickly transformed into a life-and-death situation, when a park ranger found a kitten shivering among dead leaves.

The kitten was all alone when Bruce, a park employee, found him in a park in Montreal, Canada. He had crusty eyes and was in dire need of warmth and medical attention.

Desperate condition

The tiny four-week-old feline was swiftly taken to a veterinary clinic and was diagnosed with an upper respiratory infection and ringworm. The kitten, now named Richard, was in critical condition. 

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But despite his frailty, the resilient kitten sought attention, exhibiting a strong will to live. Recognising the urgency, the veterinary team contacted local animal rescue Chatons Orphelins Montreal for help.

Richard’s happy ending

Celine, an experienced cat foster mum, took Richard under her wing. She bottle-fed the tiny fighter, giving him round-the-clock care. His progress was remarkable; within days, his eyes cleared, and his once-dull coat regained its lustre. 

Richard's playful spirit emerged as he regained strength, and he flourished under Celine's attentive care. Now tagging along with his foster mum, Richard has transformed from a frail, sickly kitten to an energetic, curious explorer.

As Richard's recovery from a vulnerable ball of fur in the cold to a lively, thriving kitten continues, he'll soon join a feline family to learn the ropes of cat life. 

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