
Black and white cat with funny 'meow'

Man films his cat: People can't believe their ears when they hear his meow (video)

By Ashley Murphy Content Writer

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A cute kitty went viral across social media after the internet's cat lovers couldn't get over his unique 'meow.'

Jack looks like a cat, and he definitely acts like a cat. He just doesn't sound like one.

Handsome Jack doesn't meow. He makes a super deep growl that sounds like it should come from one of his big cat ancestors. He's got a crazy deep voice. Jack's voice is deeper than most humans.

Jack goes viral

Jack's cat dad posted footage of his kitty's meow on YouTube, and cat lovers lost all across the world their minds. The short clip has over 37 million views, more than 1 million likes, and over 120K comments.

"I read the video title, but nothing, and I mean nothing, could have prepared me for how deep this cat's meow is," posted one person.

"I have the worst cold ever right now, and Jack's voice is still deeper than mine," confessed another.

But Jack hasn't always been the Barry White of the cat world. There was a time when little Jack meowed just like all the other cats. Meows are just one of the many sounds cats make to communicate with each other and their humans.

Deepest meow ever

Jack developed his super deep meow following surgery for a rare form of laryngeal paralysis. It's a condition where the muscles in the voice box struggle to open and close properly, leading to difficulties in breathing and vocalisation.

The condition is manageable and doesn't stop Jack from living his best cat life. Instead, it ended up making this special cat just a little bit more special.

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