
Stray dogs sitting by rubbish
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Woman notices something odd in rubbish; takes closer look and raises the alarm

By Zoë Monk Content Writer

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The woman was on her way home when something caught her eye among piles of rubbish. She was soon to discover she’d come across a truly heartbreaking situation.

Among old discarded mattresses and piles of rubbish were two stray dogs in desperate need of help.

Scared, starving and alone

The woman quickly reported the two stray dogs to a local rescue shelter who agreed to come and collect the two pups. When the rescuers arrived they set up traps to catch the frightened dogs. They first caught the mother dog, and a young female pup, who the rescuers believed was the mother dog’s pup from a previous litter. However, they soon realised that these two dogs were part of an entire family, including mum, dad, three daughters and grandma. 

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It wasn't easy catching all the dogs, eventually having to set traps for them. Finally, with every member of the little dog family safely caught they were reunited at the shelter where they enjoyed a good meal and a warm and safe place to sleep. 

Brand new start

Shelter staff soon discovered that the two-year-old mother dog, now called Naomi, was a very sweet and trusting pup, while her daughters were a little timid but slowly began warming up to the staff. The two-year-old father, now called Thomas, took a little longer to settle in and was very timid when he wasn’t with the rest of his canine family. Meanwhile, 10-year-old Grandma adapted to the changes the best and loved being around the staff and going on long walks.

Watch the heartbreaking moment the dog family were discovered:

While the rest of the family has gone to foster families while they wait to find their forever homes, the two youngest pups, Shannon and Christel, will stay at the rescue with their Grandma for now.

We wish them all the best of luck in their new lives.

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