
Cat with woman in bed
© kittycat_lam - TikTok

Owner shares crazy video of her cat in bed at night and gets millions of views

By Zoë Monk Content Writer

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It's not only parents to young kids that don't get much shut-eye...have you ever seen what it's like for a cat parent?

A cat owner has shared a recording of what her cat gets up to while trying to sleep, and it makes for adorable viewing.

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Bedtime antics revealed

The woman would often wake up during the night to see her feline friend cuddled up to her. But she was intrigued to see exactly what it got up to at bedtime, so she set up a night camera focused on her bed.

Since the video was posted on TikTok, it's had an incredible 31 million views, as people can't get enough of watching this adorable kitty's antics.

It shows that while some cats might be outside hunting or perhaps taking a quick cat nap in another part of their house, this cat wants to hang out with their owner. Even if it is 4am.

The video shows the woman asleep in bed as her cat comes into view, walking over the pillow, only narrowly avoiding treading on the woman's head. The cat then sticks its furry face into the woman's, perhaps to see if she's awake. It then comes to stand next to her and paws at the blanket. The woman dutifully (as if this is a regular occurrence) pulls back the blanket so the cat can snuggle in underneath. 

Nighttime cuddles 

With the cat cuddled next to the woman, it pauses for a moment; it's not quite done. It then turns to the woman and puts its cheek against its owner's, and the woman rubs against the cat's cheek with hers. Finally, it looks as if the cat is satisfied and happy to settle down.

Watch the cute clip:

For many cat owners, the video is all too familiar. Several people revealed that they often have disturbed night sleeps, and it's all down to their furry housemate wanting affection in the middle of the night!

Does your cat wake you up at night for attention?

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