
Confused cat staring at sparkling water bottle

Cat has extremely bizarre reaction to bottle of sparkling water (Video)

By Ashley Murphy Content Writer

Published on the

Cats are cute. Cats are funny. But cats can also be super weird. And the latest TikTok cat video to go viral proves it. 

Meet George the Cat. He's a real little oddball. He just doesn't seem to 'get' the world. Or all the 'strange' things in it. But more about that later.

But George isn't alone. He's got a cat-mum called Laurie Baltazar to look after him. Laurie loves her little fur-baby, but even she can't ignore George's quirky ways. 

What's going on with George?

She even shares them on TikTok. But she isn't trying to embarrass, shame, or make fun of George. She wants to see if anyone can figure out what's happening inside George's head. 

Nearly 3 million people have watched George's latest TikTok, and none of them could provide the answers Laurie was looking for.

The 7-second clip shows George's first encounter with a bottle of sparkling water. It sounds like a non-event, right? But not for George. 

His little brain melted when he saw the bubbles popping up through the water. Curious George had no idea what was going on, and the reaction on his cute face was priceless. 

"LMAO! This video is seriously so funny," posted one viewer. "The cat was so confused, yet amazed, at a tiny little bubble." 

"Ha! You can see in the cat's eyes that he thought some magic happened," wrote another. "If only we could speak 'cat' and explain things to our pets. Life would be so much easier for them!"

Being George

This isn't the first everyday object George has struggled to come to terms with. Previous TikToks show George trying to figure out a cereal box, pillows, his mum's handbag, cat toys, and a ringing telephone (that one really twisted George's melon!)

Poor George. He's clearly not the 'brightest.' But he's cute, funny, and super lovable. And that's what really counts.

Just keep doing you, George. 

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