Is it ok that I don’t want to let my cat go outside?

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5 answers

I understand your worry. Personally, I think that the biggest danger to outdoor cats is cars. If you live in a busy area, it’s probably safer for them to stay inside anyway. But I think it’s really up to personal choice and what kind of life you can offer your furbabies!

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Just make sure your cat has lots of places to hide, climb, scratch, and spend extra time playing with them and creating games or puzzles for them. I used to be really nervous about letting my cats go outside but they did end up grumpy from frustration and gained lots of weight as well !! Now I let my cats go outside and to be honest, they seem happier to me.

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Like Lola said, as long as you keep your pets busy, there’s no reason why your cat can’t be happy inside. Though some breeds are happier indoors than others (I’m thinking Persians, Ragdolls…) Young moggies are probably the hardest cats to keep inside the house!

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When I used to work in a shelter we never rehomed cats to people who lived in apartments because we thought it wouldn’t be fair for the cats to live indoors their whole lives. Cats are still quite wild at heart and they really thrive on exploring the outside world. Yes, indoor cats live longer, but in my opinion, their quality of life is lower. That’s just what I think though!

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I’ve always had indoor cats and I’ve found that as long as you keep them reasonably busy and give them plenty of toys, cat trees, etc., they’re happy kitties :)

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