Cats in Heat

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What pet owners need to know before, during and after their pets go in heat.......

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3 answers
  • Expert verified

Hi there,

Thanks for getting in touch! 

Female cats can come into heat for a period of up to two weeks, every two or three weeks. So they’re basically ready to mate throughout most of the year - which is why it’s so important to get them spayed to avoid unwanted pregnancies.

While your cat is in heat, you can expect lots of howling. While it may sound like she’s in distress, this is a normal behaviour conducted to attract males. The burst of hormones in her system will make her extremely eager to mate, so you may also notice her rubbing against you, pacing back and forth, assuming a mating position when you stroke her, licking her genitals, and/or marking her territory by spraying. She is also much more likely to run away during this time as she’ll be desperate to find a mate - you’ll want to keep a very close eye on her.

Contrary to popular belief, female cats do not bleed while they’re in heat. If you see any bleeding, this is not normal and you should see a vet about it.

Living with a female cat in heat can be difficult. Speak to your vet about providing her with some natural stress-relievers. Give her toys or pillows she can play with. But the best thing to do, if you’re not planning on breeding her, is absolutely to get her spayed! 

Best of luck,

Justine Seraphin, BSc (Hons) Animal Behaviour and Welfare

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Kittens...I would recommend you get your cat spayed to avoid lots of babies making more babies, who in turn make more babies, etc....

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A lot of attitude!

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