How to stop my tom cat to spay


I am curious why my cat is spaying here and there. Any one of you facing these types of problem? can you please suggest me what to do and how to stop him to spay.

1 answer

Hi! Here are a few reasons why your cat may be spraying:

  • To mark their territory
  • To communicate their reproductive status and attract mates
  • Because they are stressed or anxious
  • Because they are suffering from a medical problem, such as a urinary tract infection

There are various ways you can try to limit spraying in your home:

  • Spay/neuter your cat
  • Clean sprayed areas thoroughly. Use an enzyme-based cleaner to remove the scent completely. 
  • Reduce stress and anxiety. Keep your cat's routine consistent, give them a safe space to hide in, make sure they get lots of physical and mental stimulation, and limit access to windows if they are an indoor cat.
  • If you have several cats, make sure their resources (e.g. food, litterbox) are separate.
  • Take your cat for a vet check up
  • Always reward your cat for good behaviour (e.g. using the litterbox)
  • Use deterrents such as sprays designed to discourage spraying in specific areas.
  • If all else fails, seek the help of a behaviourist!

Hope this helped a little! Good luck!

Justine Seraphin, BSc (Hons) Animal Behaviour and Welfare

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