
Woman and Rottweiler
© gangrottie - TikTok

Woman pretends to be bitten by Rottweiler; dog's unexpected reaction is adorable

By Zoë Monk Content Writer

Published on the

When an owner wanted to see how her dog would react if it thought it had bitten her, its reaction was nothing like she expected.

If you've never had the pleasure of meeting a Rottweiler, you may think of them as an intimidating dog breed rather than a loving and cuddly canine companion. But despite their tough guy looks, Rotties have a soft side. Just check out the pup in the video below.

With 1.9 million subscribers, "gangrottie" is a hugely popular account on TikTok. It's packed with videos that show just what life is like living with three loveable Rottweilers.

In one of the videos, which has almost 200k likes, the owner decides to put one of her Rottweilers to the test. 

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She starts playing with the dog, moving her hand near its face and wiggling its nose. The dog happily plays along and eventually grabs her hand with its mouth. The woman suddenly looks at the dog and gasps. In a sad-sounding voice, she tells the dog that it had bit her (it hadn't).

You may also like: What to do about dog bites

Sorry, mum!

The poor pup looks genuinely shocked at the woman's reaction and heartbroken that she may have hurt her. She doesn't realise that her owner was only pretending. 

The dog opens the woman's hand with her nose and licks her palm, clearly saying sorry to her. The woman smiles at her and kisses her on her cheek, so the pup knows all is forgiven.

Watch the adorable clip below:

@gangrottie I pretend she bit me hard, her reaction was priceless - she apologized in her own way. #doglove #dog #dogreaction #princeless #dogchallenge #apologize ♬ dźwięk oryginalny - Gangrottie 🤎🖤
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