
Dog approaches a newborn baby

Babies need to be protected!

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Dog approaches 2 month old triplets; what he does next leaves everyone stunned (video)

By Emilie Heyl Content Writer

Published on the

Sunny, a Goldendoodle, took his role as big brother very seriously after the arrival of three newborns. The video is incredible!

Lauren is a new mother from Connecticut, USA, but for her, things went a little differently!

Making sure the babies are alright

Lauren gave birth to beautiful boy triplets. Of course, having three babies all at once is a lot of work, but Lauren has someone very special to help her: a Goldendoodle Sunny!

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Since the arrival of three tiny human beings, Sunny has taken his role as big brother very seriously and his human mum decided to film his reaction in a video that has warmed everybody’s heart.

The footage shows the sweet Goldendoodle inspecting the three newborns on the sofa to ensure they are all well. And apparently, this has become his morning routine!

The reaction of the newborns

The three little ones seem to really enjoy the cuddles! Every time Sunny passes by, each baby smiles happily, a sign of the bond that is already forming between them and the dog.

When the rounds are over, Sunny looks up at her mum as if to say, "It's OK, I've done my duty and everything's in order, boss!

Yet more proof that the bond created between dogs and children is unique! Don't miss the video!

We urge Wamiz readers to always be cautious when letting a pet play with a child. No matter how sweet pets can be, they may sometimes feel uncomfortable with a child's rough play and children can’t always pick up on that. Better safe than sorry, always supervise interactions between a child and an animal!

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