
Black and white cat with heart shaped balloon
© Luis Lizama - Youtube

Watch: Cat finds a heart shaped balloon and immediately takes it to his love

By Emilie Heyl Content Writer

Published on the Updated on the

Cat love? When you see this video and the kittens that appear in it, you will understand the true meaning of these words.

Ah love ... That unique and incomparable feeling that makes anyone lose their minds and do things they never imagined capable of doing. Has it happened to you?

Surely you have been there, trying to conquer the heart of your girlfriend or boyfriend and wanting to give them your attention all the time so that they feel loved. And this cat understands this perfectly.

Transform your pet into a work of art!
Give it a try!

An act of pure love

In a video shared on youtube, a cute black and white cat is seen on the street, struggling to grasp the thread of a heart-shaped helium balloon that was sadly floating giving its last air of life.

When the cat finally manages to take the string and control the balloon, we can see him walking slowly with the balloon to the other side of the street.

Why is it that he wants to take it away? What is its purpose? Well, the purpose was neither more nor less than another cat! 

It seems that the first feline was trying to impress the second and his big attempt was to bring him the heart balloon as an offering. How romantic?!

Check out the cute video below!

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