
Baby and Great Dane puppy on stairs

Baby approaches bottom of stairs; family dog has most amazing reaction (video)

By Emilie Heyl Content Writer

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A dog has gone viral on TikTok after demonstrating what a true family hero he was! This baby knows he can always count on his furry best friend.

Hannah Searfoss is the owner of a 5-month-old Great Dane named Lisa. When she posted the video of her son and dog on her TikTok profile, she received a lot of love and admiration. Over 16 million people have seen it and 26,000 have commented on it!

But why has this video gone viral? Let’s find out.

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The danger of stairs 

In the video, Lisa can be seen lying on the bottom of the stairs of her family's home.

Elliot, the family's baby, tries to get around his furry friend because he wants to climb up the stairs. He really wants to see what's upstairs. We can't help but hold our breath when we see the danger of the situation.

But Lisa is really vigilant and decides to block Eliott's path.

The little one tries several times to make his way through, but Lisa doesn't take her eyes off him for a second and gently pushes him away with her paw. Eventually, Lisa's determination pays off and Elliot ends up walking away from the stairs, defeated. Lisa gets up immediately to follow him and we imagine that she will continue to watch him over while he continues to explore the house.

A video that went viral on TikTok

Internet users could not help but react to this very touching video. They admired the dog's attitude, faithfulness and devotion to protecting the baby of her owner. Some shared their own stories: “My Great Dane saved my life as a child. It's a true story! They are also the most relevant and intelligent police dogs. Miraculous, really. We don't deserve them”.

She was clearly a mother in a past life,” said another TikTok user.

Lisa and Eliott have a great relationship and we wish them the best for the rest of their adventures!

We urge Wamiz readers to always be cautious when letting a pet play with a child. No matter how sweet pets can be, they may sometimes feel uncomfortable with a child's rough play and children can’t always pick up on that. Better safe than sorry, always supervise interactions between a child and an animal!

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