
crow and black and white kitten in grass

Couple finds kitten in their garden: A crow approaches and does the unthinkable

By Justine Seraphin Country Manager

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Animals will never cease to amaze us. Even when they are completely different species, it seems that between themselves, they understand each other.

Back in 1999, Ann and Wally Collito noticed a small black and white kitten in the back yard of their Massachusetts home.

Thinking the kitten’s mother might be nearby, they decided to leave her alone. But they instantly regretted their decision when they saw a large black crow land near the kitten.

Crow adopts orphaned kitten

Terrified that the bird might treat the kitten like an afternoon snack, the couple rushed outside. But they soon realised that they had read the situation all wrong.

The crow wasn’t trying to eat the kitten – far from it! It seemed as though the crow was just keeping a watchful eye on the young feline. As the days went by, the Collitos even noticed that the crow was bringing worms for the kitten to eat.

Crow and kitten bonded strongly, and the two could be seen playing together every single day. The kitten, later named Cassie, looked to the crow, later named Moses, as if he were her new mother.

An unusual friendship

But over time, the Collitos eventually gained Cassie’s trust until she was comfortable enough to enter their home. Even though she became part of a human family, Moses continued to visit the house every single day, tapping on the window to check on his baby.

After some time, Moses stopped knocking on the window, as if he knew that Cassie was now well taken care of and no longer needed him.

Cassie passed away in 2014 at the ripe old age of 15; surrounded by her beloved human family. But her friendship with Moses will always be remembered thanks to the lovely book that was written in honour of their special story.

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