A story of a very unusual cat has reached us all the way from Indonesia. The little grey tabby, whose name we don’t know, was adopted by a new family who was unsure where she came from.
Until the cat let them know in the most incredible way…
A daily excursion
Every day, the cat would head out in the early morning and be gone for the entire day. She’d stay for breakfast, return for dinner and bedtime, but be gone again the next morning.
The kitty’s new family found this behaviour odd and decided to check out where the cat got to.
And what they found was surprising, to say the least. Because, the little cat went to visit a grave. Here, she’d spend the entire day, rolling about, even seeming to play with an invisible pal.
An unusual find
Curious about this unusual behaviour, the tabby’s new owner did a little research and discovered the incredible fact that the grave actually belonged to the cat’s former owner, a woman named Kundari.
Try as they might, the family couldn’t change the cat’s ways and every day, she continues to go and spend the day with her former owner.
We’re a little lost for words, but one thing’s for sure: We will have the perfect response next time someone says that cats can’t be loyal!