
Boy plays with black and white cat
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Man is stunned as he watches boy approach his cat and do something remarkable

By Natasha James Content Writer

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CCTV is great for helping us to catch any wrongdoers in action but that’s not all. As this sweet video shows, CCTV can catch some adorable moments too.

Ace, the black and white cat didn’t have the greatest start to life. Born to a stray and discovered in a dumpster, Little Ace could be forgiven for growing up to be a feisty cat who wasn’t all that fond of humans but thankfully that hasn’t turned out to be the case.

Ace, who lost his eye due to an infection, makes friends wherever he goes and his owner is used to his amiable personality.

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A special bond

But, when he watched his CCTV footage, he noticed that Ace seemed to have a special relationship with one young visitor.

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A little boy who lives on the same street as Ace visits every single day.

The CCTV footage shows the boy pulling up his bike and stopping outside the house. Next, Ace appears and makes his way over to the boy.

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Tummy rubs and back scratches

Ace stops on the drive and the little boy heads over to give him all the back scratches and tummy rubs he likes.

The two clearly have a very special bond and it’s wonderful to watch them together.

Modern life might have its drawbacks but videos like this are definitely contemporary highlights!

Watch the sweet video here:

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