
A seal in a hotel room

Hotel guest walks her dog: On her return, a "creature" is snoring in her room

By Greta Inglis Dog Behaviourist | Animal Behaviourist

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A hotel guest was met with a surprise when she returned from a walk with her dog. She may have been shocked, but the little intruder showed no signs of leaving.

The Pier 7 Sand Pavilion is a hotel complex located in the municipality of Flushing, in the Netherlands.

It offers its guests tranquil views and comfortable rooms just a stone's throw from the ocean. And sometimes, unusual little guests make an appearance.

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An intruder snoring in her room

A few days ago, a hotel guest decided to take her dog for a seaside walk. On returning to her room, she was surprised to discover an animal taking a nap!

She soon realised it was a seal that had taken up residence for a well-deserved little snooze. 

The cheeky visitor had spotted an open door, which tempted him into her room.

According to the founder of the Zeeland Animal Welfare Foundation, this kind of encounter has never been reported before. But once on site, the rescuers had a hard time moving the animal, who clearly felt very comfortable and showed no signs of moving.

With some coaxing, the team captured the sneaky guest, safely transporting him back to the beach.

An unforgettable encounter

Even though the guest was initially very surprised to find a little intruder in her room, she was actually thrilled to have experienced such a magical moment.

She certainly won't be forgetting her stay any time soon!

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