
Golden Retriever

Her elderly Golden Retriever can’t walk, so she finds unique way to keep him moving

By Zoë Monk Content Writer

Published on the

Even though her Golden Retriever is very old, this young woman is not willing to sacrifice their walks.

Living with a pet is one of life’s greatest joys.

However, as the years pass, ageing inevitably takes its toll, and new routines must be introduced to ensure their comfort and well-being.

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Clever solution

This is the case for Jake, a 17.5-year-old Golden Retriever who now struggles to move around. But his owner, Tasha, is determined to help him continue enjoying life.

As shown in a TikTok video posted on @tasharyland, she takes Jake for walks using a small cart, allowing him to experience the fresh air and scenery despite his mobility issues.

No stopping Jake now!

Even in his weakened state, Jake still gets to enjoy their daily outings, thanks to his devoted owner’s thoughtful solution.

The heartwarming video has been viewed over a million times, quickly going viral and touching the hearts of many. Emotional viewers commented: "This is adorable, I have tears in my eyes" and "So beautiful."

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