A man was abruptly awakened early in the year by loud, persistent dog barking from the street.
Without hesitation, he jumped out of bed to investigate.
A terrible sight
When the man looked out the window, he discovered an abandoned dog in a cage on the cold pavement. It was a freezing night, with snow falling, and the ground was frozen. He immediately called animal rescuer Angel Bryant, who took the call very seriously.
As the KC Pet Project shelter was still closed for the holidays, Bryant, who had already been on duty for over 24 hours, drove his own car through the icy night to rescue the dog.
Grateful pup
Fortunately, the animal rescuer arrived safely, and the dog greeted him with surprising good spirits. The dog licked Angel's hands through the cage bars and showed its gratitude throughout the rescue. It was taken to the shelter and is now recovering in warmth and safety.
The elderly man who called in the emergency was deeply concerned about the abandoned dog. He even cried when the rescuers updated him later that morning. The dog will soon be available for adoption. In the meantime, the animal rescue team is investigating to find the person responsible for abandoning the dog in such harsh conditions.