
seven kittens

Cheshire: Man goes to adopt one Maine Coon but ends up with more than he expected

By Zoë Monk Content Writer

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A man from Cheshire who went to adopt a single kitten was in for a surprise when he returned home with three.

The surprising twist was captured in a viral Instagram video by @the_maine_trio, which has since racked up 1.7 million views.

Three instead of one

The clip begins with the man arriving home with a cat carrier, only to reveal three kittens instead of the one he had initially intended to adopt.

According to the post’s caption, he and his partner initially chose two kittens but couldn’t stop thinking about their sister, who had been left behind.

"We decided to go back and ask if we could also adopt her," the caption explains. "The rest is history."

Now 18 weeks old, the kittens, named Socks, Missy and Chilli, are growing quickly. In a follow-up video, they are seen cuddling together in a hammock.

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Happy feline family

The owner is clearly pleased with his decision to adopt more kittens than he’d originally planned, writing, "I can’t imagine regretting not adopting Chilli. Keeping these siblings together has been an amazing experience."

The video has attracted over 68,000 likes and 1,000 comments. Many viewers shared their enthusiasm and offered advice, with one commenting,

"Maine Coons are wonderful! Enjoy their playful energy."

In contrast, some criticised buying the kittens rather than adopting them from a shelter. But others defended the choice, noting that keeping siblings together can benefit their well-being.

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