
Two eyes shining in the dark

Woman hears hissing in the laundry room and finds two eyes shining in the dark

By Greta Inglis Dog Behaviourist | Animal Behaviourist

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What started out like a normal Thursday evening for Eve, turned into something quite different, when she heard a mysterious hissing sound coming from the laundry room.

Eve had been relaxing at her home in Howick, South Africa, when she spotted a figure out of the corner of her eye. 

It rushed through the open door and disappeared, somewhere in her laundry room! 

The mystery intruder

Cautiously creeping in to get a better look, she couldn't imagine what animal would be making such a strange sound.

Intrigued and worried in equal measure, Eve crouched down to find a pair of eyes, glowing at her in the dark. 

At first glance, the brave home owner wondered if the creature was a cat. But going by its movements and frantic behaviour, she felt certain it must have come in from the wild. 

Help on the way

Thankfully, the FreeMe Wildlife Association were happy to take a look. Arriving on the scene they could quickly see the intruder in question was actually a baby serval, who was disoriented and confused after unexpectedly finding himself trapped indoors. 

Rescuers captured the kitten, and brought him to safety at their wildlife facility. He was stressed and underweight on arrival, but now he will have the best possible start in life, surrounded by the expert care he deserves. 

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