
Black and white tomcat abandoned in a cave

RSPCA appeals for witnesses after tomcat found left in a box in a cave

By Greta Inglis Dog Behaviourist | Animal Behaviourist

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Without the help of a kind samaritan, this poor cat would have had no chance of survival. Now he's safe, the RSPCA are appealing for information.

On the 14th of May 2024, a walker in Stoke-on-Trent made a shocking discovery. 

Entering Beech Caves, they found a cat carrier, with a terrified black and white cat locked inside. 

A stroke of luck 

Alone in the dark, the poor cat would have had no chance of survival had he not been spotted. The person who had left him there had been cruel enough to lock him inside with no food or water available.  

The cat was immediately rushed to the vets. Frightened but unharmed, he didn't have a microchip, making it impossible to track down any previous owners.  

The urgent appeal 

Thanks to the caring samaritan, the tomcat was brought to safety. But now, the RSPCA are determined to find out who left him there. 

While they can appreciate that sharp increases in the cost of living makes it harder to care for pets, they feel it's important to remember that abandoning an animal is never the answer.

The cat is now recovering from his ordeal, before he is placed up for adoption. Hopefully he'll be safe and happy with a loving family of his own in no time. 

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