
Grey Ragdoll cat looking at baby carrier
© dr.keonparsa/ TikTok

Cat left in shock when her parents bring home 'an alien'

By Greta Inglis Dog Behaviourist | Animal Behaviourist

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Trudy enjoyed four peaceful years as furbaby to Keon and Shelby. So imagine the Ragdoll's shock, when her family arrived home with someone she never expected. 

Trudy is a beautiful grey Ragdoll, who adores her adoptive parents Keon and Shelby. 

They knew that introducing their newborn son Rumi might take some work, but they never quite expected their cat's hilarious reaction to the new arrival. 

An alien in the house

Keon, a plastic surgeon working between Toronto and Los Angeles, shared the montage of Trudy on TikTok. 

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"POV: Your parents bring home an alien", he captioned the clip. The couple may have done all they could to prepare Trudy for her human brother, but she reacted to Rumi as if he were an alien in the house. 

"We tried to prepare her by randomly playing baby crying noises and slowly introducing all the new furniture", the surgeon told Newsweek. "We had no idea she would react the way she did". 

Slow but steady 

The clip, which has now been viewed 129,000 times, shows Trudy trying to navigate life with her new family member. 

At first she seems very reluctant to approach Rumi, tiptoeing quietly past the baby with wide, surprised eyes. 

As the video goes on though, the beautiful Ragdoll begins to relax, approaching the stroller and the crib to check in on her brother. 

While she's still a way off accepting she now has to share her parents, Trudy has been starting to open up a little bit more, confirms Keon. And she most definitely enjoys all the extra resting spots she now has available! 

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