
Black Labrador Rico
© Komenda Miejska Państwowej Straży Pożarnej w Poznaniu /

Rico, a dog who saved people during Turkish earthquake, has died at 6-years-old

By Greta Inglis Dog Behaviourist | Animal Behaviourist

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The rescue service of Poznan, Poland, recently shared sad news of the death of search and rescue dog Rico, who has died at only 6-years-old. 

On May the 4th, the specialised search and rescue group of Poznan shared the news that Labrador Retriever Rico had crossed the rainbow bridge.

A canine hero 

In his earlier years, Rico had worked alongside the fire department, later transitioning to the search and rescue team with his handler Krzysztof Pokora. 

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Together, they had taken part in many missions to save people trapped in desperate situations. Braving the odds, Rico would always go above and beyond to help those in need. 

The earthquake in Turkey

The Turkish earthquake of 2023 is believed to be one of the most devastating seismic events of recent years. 

Tens of thousands of people tragically died, and hundreds of thousands were left homeless. Buildings collapsed, and rescuers from around the world were called in to help save those trapped underneath. 

Rico helped search for victims during this time, unwavering in his devotion to his job and to the people he needed to rescue. 

Having sadly passed at only 6-years-old, the cause of his death has not been shared by the search and rescue department. He will be sorely missed by the team, and always remembered for his incredible bravery. 

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