
Train station in Warsaw

Unusual travellers grab the attention of every passenger on board train (video)

By Zoë Monk Content Writer

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Some unusual travellers caught the eyes of commuters at Warsaw's Central Railway Station.

Amidst the typical hustle and bustle of train travel, an unexpected trio boarded the train, causing fellow passengers to reach for their phones and start filming.

The man was accompanied by a dog, a duck, and a goose!

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Unusual passengers

The heartwarming scene, aptly captioned "Welcome to Poland," attracted widespread admiration online, with viewers marvelling at the unusual yet endearing companionship displayed by the man and his feathered and furry friends.

Many remarked on the enviable bond and the exemplary behaviour of the animals, especially the duck, who wasn't even on a lead.

This isn't the first time this peculiar trio has embarked on such journeys. Dariusz Brzeski, their owner, frequently travels across Poland, using his unique menagerie to conduct educational sessions in schools and community centres and provide companionship to older people.

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Positive impact of animals

The man’s mission is to promote the positive impact animals have on mental health.

For him, the companionship of his goose, duck, and dog proved transformative, particularly during challenging times such as losing his parents during the pandemic. Their presence lifted his spirits and brought joy to those around him.

In a world often filled with stress and uncertainty, encounters like these remind us that you can find joy in the most unexpected of places.

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