
Dog stares at wall

Dog stares at wall, leading owner to dig and uncover a shocking secret

By Zoë Monk Content Writer

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When his dog starts staring at the wall for no obvious reason, George Miller installs a camera to try to get to the bottom of his dog's strange behaviour.

George noticed his canine companion Crosby had begun displaying unusual behaviour.

The dog had developed a habit of sitting still, fixated on the wall, and incessantly barking. George observed this peculiar behaviour for days but couldn't work out the reason for it.

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Unusual behaviour

Despite multiple attempts to inspect the wall, George remained puzzled about what captivated Crosby's attention. However, what was interesting was that Crosby seemed delighted when George approached the wall but showed no interest when called at other times.

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Driven by concern for Crosby's health and curiosity about the strange behaviour, George installed a camera. 

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Surprising discovery

To George's amazement, the footage revealed that Crosby only displayed the behaviour when George was around. Determined to get to the bottom of what was going on, George dismantled a section of the wall.

Then, George finally discovers exactly why Crosby is so obsessed with that bit of the wall. As he removed the section of the wall, he discovered a little kitten. Crosby had been desperately trying to draw George's attention to the trapped feline.

While George had no idea how the kitten had got trapped behind the wall, he decided to adopt it, naming it Mister Jingles. 

Well done Crosby!

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