
Black and white cat fighting with Halloween cat decoration
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Cat's hilarious daily showdown with Halloween decoration goes viral (video)

By Zoë Monk Content Writer

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Many people enjoy decorating their homes for Halloween. But Alexandra Macupova had no idea that her cat would have an opinion of her spooky ornaments.

As October rolled around, Alexandra, a devoted cat owner, enthusiastically decked out her home for the Halloween season. Among her decorations, she featured a black, glittery cat-shaped ornament. 

Battle of the felines

But little did she know, her real-life feline, Pheebo, harboured a strong dislike for the decoration and was ready to engage in a daily battle with it.

Related video:

The hilarious showdown between Pheebo and the inanimate feline figurine was captured on camera by Alexandra. Pheebo, the black-and-white cat, launched a full-on assault, pouncing and wrestling with the decoration. 

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Once shared on TikTok, the video quickly went viral, amassing over 695,000 views and 87,000 likes in just a few days.

Daily ritual

While Alexandra initially found the spectacle amusing, she noted that Pheebo's attacks were far from a one-time occurrence, responding to a commenter that the cat would be "attacking on [the] daily."

This attack behaviour stems from cats' innate instincts for stalking and hunting prey, and it appears to be an entertaining playtime experience for Pheebo. Even when they know their prey isn't real, cats will engage in these hunting rituals.

Here's the hilarious video:

Social media users couldn't get enough of Pheebo's spirited battles, with comments praising his bravery and entertainment value. One observer dubbed him a "very brave warrior," while another suggested it must be "very entertaining to watch.

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