
Man looking in rubbish bin
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Man looking in rubbish finds ravioli tin, he looks inside and starts to panic

By Zoë Monk Content Writer

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The officer was throwing some rubbish into a bin without a second thought when he spotted something that would leave him utterly stunned.

He spotted the ravioli tin purely by chance, but something inside the tin caught his eye, and he knew he had to investigate.

Shocking discovery

As he reached into the bin to grab the ravioli tin, he had no idea what he was about to come face to face with.

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To the officer's utter astonishment, inside the tin is a tiny kitten. It's so young its eyes aren't even open, but fortunately, it is alive. It looked like someone had stuffed the poor kitten into the ravioli tin and thrown it away in the bin as if it were just rubbish.

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Desperate rescue 

The police officer knew that time was of the essence for the kitten to survive, so he immediately took it to a local rescue shelter where it would receive around-the-clock care to give it the best chance possible.

While the shelter staff worked hard to help the kitten, the police officer who had originally found the kitten offered to adopt her when she was ready. And the name he gave her? Ravioli, of course!

Sadly, despite everyone's best efforts to help the tiny kitten, Raviloi was just too weak and has since passed away.

RIP Raviloi.

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  • MomKatPat
    The police officer that found little Ravioli should adopt another kitten - or better yet, a PAIR of kittens - in Ravioli's memory.
    Even though Ravioli didn't make it, it's so wonderful to know there are people out there who care. Thank you all for doing what you do 💖
    R.I.P. Ravioli - you passed away in loving hands 💔🌈🐾
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