
Two stray kittens
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Two blind kittens form an inseparable bond, refusing to be apart at all costs

By Ashley Murphy Content Writer

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A pair of blind rescue kittens refused to leave each other's side. Thankfully, one person had enough room in their home and love in their heart to adopt them both.

Stevie and Isaac were found wandering around a wasteland near Sydney, Australia, back in 2016. The twin kitties were no more than a few weeks old.

Some kind soul managed to get them to the Inner City Stray Rescue Centre. It's a tough life out on the street for kittens, and both cats were in a bad way. The biggest health issue was the ulcers in and around their eyes. 

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Best friends, brothers, and soulmates

Vets did their best, but the ulcers led to dangerous infections. Stevie lost both his eyes, while Isaac had to have his left one removed. 

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Isaac and Stevie wouldn't leave each other alone during their recovery period. The blind brothers were always in 'paws reach' of each other. 

It was heartwarming to see. The cats had such a special connection and couldn't imagine life without each other. 

Staff knew these cats could never be separated. Instead, they needed to find an owner willing to take both felines home.

That was never going to be easy. Caring for one cat is a huge responsibility. Caring for two special needs cats is something that only a few exceptional people can do. 

It took a while, but one of those people finally showed up.

Two cats, one happy ending

Her name was Diana Dammery. Experienced cat owner Diana and her partner promised to give Isaac and Stevie everything they needed.

That was four years ago. Today, Isaac and Stevie (now called Buddha and Mogwai) are as close as ever. And while they can't do everything other cats do, it never stops them from living their best lives.

"We love them so much," says Diana. "We feel very lucky to have found them. They are so beautiful and happy and fill us with boundless love. Their disability has no negative impact on their quality of life whatsoever. They are perfect cats."

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