
German shepherd with rubber chicken
© All Dogs Go To Heaven - YouTube

Dog steps on rubber chicken and has the most hilarious reaction (video)

By Zoë Monk Content Writer

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When this German Shepherd's owners bought him a rubber chicken, little did they know that his reaction would leave everyone in stitches.

Many dog owners will know what it's like to buy their pet a present only to regret it once they see the animal's reaction. But no one could have predicted how this dog would respond to his new rubber chicken!

Unexpected reaction

The video, which has reached 16k viewers on YouTube, shows the adorable German Shepherd's first interactions with the rubber chicken, and his response to the innocent squeaky toy is rather dramatic.

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While you may think that a rubber chicken is the type of toy most dogs love, each time the dog steps on a toy and makes it squeak, he begins howling, almost in tune with it.

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Squeak and howl

While you may think he's howling at the sound because it bothers him, that's not necessarily the case. Dogs often howl when they hear certain sounds, which may be what's happening here. The squeak of the toy is just triggering his instinct to howl.

But while it's unclear whether the dog likes the new toy, he repeatedly paws at it to make it squeak, so presumably, he doesn't find it too distressing. However, his owners may soon get fed up with it!

Here's the hilarious video:

Has your dog had a surprising reaction to a new toy?

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