
Justin Bieber and his Savannah kittens
© Justin Bieber - Instagram

“Crazy cat man” Justin Bieber creates Instagram account for his Savannah kittens

By Zoë Monk Content Writer

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He was the ultimate teen heartthrob with fans across the world. But now Justin Bieber is blowing up the internet for a whole new reason: his new cats Sushi and Tuna.

Pop star Justin Bieber and his wife Hailey have adopted a pair of very cuteSavannah kittens who they’ve aptly named, Sushi and Tuna.

Announcing on his own Instagram account about the feline adoption, Justin revealed that he had created an Instagram account for the pair.

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The cat’s Instagram account, which the bio says is ‘run by daddy @justinbieber’ already boasts 231k followers. The account’s logo uses a Hello Kitty logo, but where the mouth should be is the word ‘DREW’ – Justin’s streetwear brand, Drew House.

The account so far has 33 posts which show the adorable kittens playing, eating and snuggling up together.

Savannah cats

Justin spent an incredible $35,000 on adopting the kittens according to The Hollywood Reporter. Savannah is a rare breed of cat that’s part domestic cat and part Serval. The breed is banned in many states in the US. However, California does allow people to have them as pets.

“Crazy cat man”

Justin, who calls himself a “crazy cat man”, already owns two dogs, Esther and Oscar with his wife Hailey.

And it isn’t just Justin who has fallen in love with the two little kittens, but Hailey seems to be very enamoured with them too, sharing photos of her "babies" on her own Instagram account.

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