
Dog chasing baby in hilarious video
© sazareda - YouTube

Woman leaves baby alone with dog; what happens next blows everyone away (video)

By Alice Lang Copywriter

Published on the

Having a bad day? We’ve got the perfect fix! Thie video of Pumpkin the Shetland Sheepdog playing with her baby human will literally melt your troubles away…

Guys, we’re not even joking. This video might be the most adorable scene since the time that dog cried at the most emotional part of The Lion King!


Some canines love to play with younger ones, while others prefer to keep their distance. While socialisation is a huge part of helping a dog to develop a friendly temperament towards kids, some pups just seem to prefer a quiet, child-free life - which can sometimes cause problems when a new arrival comes along!

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But it seems Pumpkin, a sweet-natured and gentle Shetland Sheepdog, had absolutely no problems adjusting.

Having been the only child of the family for years on end, her dog Mum learned she was expecting and wasn’t too sure how lovely Pumpkin would react to having to share the attention. But when the first baby human arrived, she immediately wanted to be friends with him. 

Round and round we go

The captivating video shows the baby laugh its head off at Pumpkin, who was jumping and jiving around him in circles. We love the pure, wholesome joy shown in the video - the adorable duo clearly love playing together!

It’s clear to see how the endless laughter of the baby, along with the eager pup who was determined to put a smile on her baby brother’s face, has gone viral. We’re sure that this is the start of a beautiful, lifelong companionship between Pumpkin and her little bro!

So, with all that said, take a look at the video below. It’s sure to put a smile on your face!

We urge Wamiz readers to always be cautious when letting a pet play with a child. No matter how sweet pets can be, they may sometimes feel uncomfortable with a child's rough play and children can’t always pick up on that. Better safe than sorry, always supervise interactions between a child and an animal!

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