Will my cat forget about me when I leave the house?

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4 answers

Thank you very much for your reply and for your time !! I will follow your advice to the letter, of course, and that reassures me a little. Have a a great day and thank you again very much !!

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Hi Chloe! No your cat will not forget you. It is possible that when you return home she will give you lots of cuddles, and after that she'll ignore you until you feed her. Don't blame her. A cat who is happy with his/her owner does not forget them. And you've already done what is necessary so that she is not alone all the time. I would also recommend to leave her some clothes where she sleeps. And she will feel comforted. You have to keep living your life even if you adore your pets :) Act cool, the cat will be better off knowing you are relaxed rather than stressing out before you leave. Regards

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Hello thank you very much!!! And, indeed, you are right, I must live my life within constantly worrying about my cat. But what can I do I love her so much! I am worrying about everything all the time and it is not good, I have to make some efforts !! Your message also reassured me and again thank you for your answer and your time. I wish you an excellent day

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Hello Chloe, Animals do not have the same perception of time as we do and cats are also very independent animals, unlike dogs who ask for a lot more attention. The fact that you keep him at home is a good thing, so he will be able to stay in his environment, with smells which are familiar to him and this will help reduce stress in your absence. You could leave him clothes with your smell where he likes to sleep. I don't think studies have shown that an animal can forget its owner because he is away. You can possibly compensate for his lack of stimulation during your absence by carrying out phases of playtime or cuddling time when you get back home. Hope we've managed to answer to your question. Enjoy your day!

If you need more information, it's this way: https://wamiz.co.uk/cat/advice/26283/do-cats-miss-their-owners

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