What is the difference between a Burmese and a Ragdoll?



I would like to know the difference between a Burmese and a Ragdol.

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8 answers
Burmese vs Ragdoll cats differ primarily in appearance, temperament, and origin. Burmese cats are medium-sized, muscular, with a short, sleek coat and rounded features, known for their playful, affectionate, and social nature. In contrast, Ragdolls are larger, with long, soft fur and striking blue eyes, characterized by their laid-back, gentle temperament and tendency to go limp when picked up. While Burmese cats have a more active and vocal demeanor, Ragdolls are often described as "dog-like" due to their loyalty and tendency to follow their owners around.


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Burmese vs Ragdoll cats differ primarily in appearance, temperament, and origin. Burmese cats are medium-sized, muscular, with a short, sleek coat and rounded features, known for their playful, affectionate, and social nature. In contrast, Ragdolls are larger, with long, soft fur and striking blue eyes, characterized by their laid-back, gentle temperament and tendency to go limp when picked up. While Burmese cats have a more active and vocal demeanor, Ragdolls are often described as "dog-like" due to their loyalty and tendency to follow their owners around.
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I've been doing a bit of research on these two breeds. I think the biggest difference between a Burmese and a Ragdoll is going to be the weight! A ragdoll is a bigger cat. After the coat colors are identical.

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My sister has a 7 month old Burmese cat, she likes to play, and she is very very affectionate, she loves to cuddle, she follows my sister everywhere, she rarely meows, she is in great shape, she is adorable ! ... Great cats in my opinion.

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The Burmese is a descendant of the Persian and the Ragdoll of the Burmese, so they are very distant relatives. For characters, the Burmese is playful, is not clingy, and can "sulk" while the Ragdoll is gentle, quiet, and very attached to his owner. Personally I think Persians are the best of all cats...But I could be a little biased haha!

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Hello Lilythompson,

For more information:
Burmese: https://wamiz.co.uk/cat/breeds/466/burmese
The ragdoll: https://wamiz.co.uk/cat/breeds/454/ragdoll

They have common genes but are two separate breeds.

Enjoy the read :)

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And they have a two very opposed character. I much prefer the Ragdoll. The price is not the same either, the Ragdoll is more expensive.

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The Burmese is a big softy, cushion hunter and calm. Its particularity is to never scratch. He can be chatty, that's his Siamese side, but not always. He loves the water (the beach, the swimming pools, the baths, etc.), again like the Siamese, you can walk him on a leash, and he is a wonderful companion for children and I am not talking about the dogs, they love them!

The ragdoll is calmer, it lives up to its name, it's a rag doll, it can stay for hours where we put him down, but it's a nice cat, so it all depends on what you're looking for in the character of the cat.

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