At what age do kittens start to walk?


My friend's cat just gave birth to kittens and I was wondering how old to kittens start to walk? How old are they when they start opening their eyes? And finally, at what age will they be weaned? Thank you for your reply

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3 answers

Thank you for your answers ♥♥

My friend is going to sterilize the mother and place the kittens in families ;)

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  • At two weeks: they crawl
  • 21 days: they walk awkwardly
  • 1 month: They are ready to run

These are only averages of course

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Usually kittens open their eyes around 15 days old. They begin to move slightly earlier, but they should walk confidently around 3 weeks, on average.

On the other hand, I would advise you to think about having your cat sterilized, the shelters, charities and rescue centres are full because the feline overpopulation is enormous, and for her health too (uterus cancer etc. ...) and you also have the duty to identify the kittens before placing them :-)

If you place them, keep them with their mother until they are 3 months old, because they need to stay until that age to have all their mother's education (feline codes)

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