Weak immune system of my cat


My cat catches any viral infection very easily and has very low immunity to fight any disease. My cat is very loving and caring and I don,t want to see her like this.

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2 answers

Thank you so much for your reply. This is really helpful. My vet has suggested one more thing that is taurine powder and lysine powder for cats.

I would try fish oils also as suggested by you and also any other suggestions will be appreciated. I hope these will work for my cat.

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Firstly, make sure she has a high protein diet. Then you can add a little fish oil to her food for Omega 3 & 6 fatty acids. You can also give your cat probiotics to promote a healthy gut. Purina sells Forti Flora for example. You can also find colostrum in capsule or powder form, but this is mostly good for kittens' immunity. This is just coming from someone who has owned cats most of her life, but honestly, if you're concerned about your pet's immune system, you should probably see a vet.

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