Dog peeing on sofa


Our 2-year-old dog is urinating on the sofa, how can I stop this? She used to be toilet-trained...

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6 answers

Hi everyone! Thank you so much for your responses! Looks like things are back to normal now...we’re staying cautious but we are taking her for a lot more walks than we used to. Thanks again!

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Whatever the cause you definitely need to clean your sofa very well before you let her back on it. If she smells an old trace of pee, she’s likely to pee on it again. Rub the area with a sponge and baking soda at least 3 to 4 times and let that sit for about half an hour before letting her go back into the living room again.

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Has anyone come to visit you with their own dog? Sometimes adult dogs do this to mark their territory, especially if someone they don’t know has been in it…

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The problem could also be due to boredom if your dog isn’t getting enough exercise or mental stimulation. Border Terriers need lots of activity so if she’s not getting enough she could be feeling frustrated. If you’re unsure maybe you could get in touch with a behaviourist?

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I wouldn’t tell her off even if I caught her in the act. If you do, it could teach your dog to fear you and other behavioural issues might ensue. Positive reinforcement works though. Every time she pees or poops outside, give her a treat. With this method my dog was potty trained within a month.

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If she used to be toilet trained, then this behaviour is probably due to stress or anxiety I’d say. Has anything changed recently in your life? Problems at home? Going back to the office? In any case there’s no point in telling her off unless you catch her in the act. Make sure you use lots of positive reinforcement when she does it in the right place though! Your sofa has to be thoroughly cleaned to make sure no odours remain. And if I were you, I would block access to the living room unless you’re able to go in with her and watch her while she’s in there.

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