Cat scissors are a must-have item for your cat’s wellbeing.
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What are the best cat scissors in 2025?
Cat scissors are a must-have item for your kitty. Cat nail scissors and grooming scissors should absolutely be included in their well-being kit! Trimming your cat's nails or removing a hair clump is now a piece of cake.
While some cats claw on trees, not all do, especially if they live in apartments! Sharp cat nails should be trimmed. To do this, it is important to equip yourself with the right tools. Cat scissors are specifically designed for our feline companions' fine, sharp claws. They are practical and simple to use, and they do not hurt the animal. Short claws also mean an intact couch and hands! Nail clipping will reduce the damage done to furniture or even limbs when your cat goes through its famous 'fifteen minutes of madness'! If your cat has long hair that tangles, you can also find special cat grooming scissors for a refreshing trim.
What are cat scissors for?
Cat scissors can serve two different purposes.
Firstly, there are cat nail clippers. They have small notched blades for precision and are specially designed to safely trim a cat's nails.
Trimming a cat's nails is beneficial for preventing furniture damage or for animals that play without hiding claws.
On the other hand, trimming the nails of a cat that goes outside is not always necessary, and can even be dangerous. These animals need sharp claws to climb trees or defend themselves in the event of an attack by a dog or another cat. It can also save the cat from falling off a slippery roof.
Some cat scissors are used for grooming, such as cutting knots or trimming long hair.
How do I use cat scissors?
Wait until your cat is calm before cutting their nails. Then, place your cat on your lap and gently press on the tip of the paw to release the retractable claws. Feline claws are not visible when the cat is at rest, so this manoeuvre is required to make them appear.
Then, with your strongest hand, take out your scissors. Hold your cat scissors between your thumb and middle finger, with your index finger against the blades, for added stability. Place your ring finger on the pin of the scissors. When you are ready, open your scissors and insert the claw tip into the space provided. Trim with a single, firm stroke.
To avoid causing bleeding, you should cut only the tip of the claw. The vascularized portion of the nail is frequently visible, forming a pinkish triangle at the base of the nail.
If it is your first cat and you are nervous, you can ask a vet or groomer to show you around.
What is the difference between cat clippers and cat scissors?
Cat nail scissors are nail clippers. There is another form of nail clippers with a handle that closes vertically and has a small sliding blade. Both systems are effective; the user can choose between the two models according to their preference.
Some scissors are only for grooming the coat and are not designed to cut nails.
At what age can I start using cat scissors?
You can begin cutting a cat's nails around the age of two months. The claws are very sharp at this age, and the kittens are a little crazy; they can be hurt easily in the process, especially when they’re very young. As a result, the cut should be very light, about half a millimetre to a millimetre.
Furthermore, if you want to trim your cat's nails regularly, it is best to start early. Your cat may become uncooperative if you wait too long.
Nail trimming is also recommended for older cats. Their nails wear less and are thicker. If you are not careful, they can become ingrown and get into the nail bed, causing pain and infection.
How often should I trim my cat's nails?
Like our fingernails, cats' nails grow back quite quickly. You can trim them once or twice a month. In general, the claws on the back legs grow at a slower rate.
Remember, if your cat enjoys exploring the garden, you can leave him with long nails!
In a house or flat, regular trimming will limit the scratching of wallpaper or furniture. Nothing beats a good pair of cat scissors for this.