
A cat licking its lips

Diabetic dry cat food helps relieve symptoms in sick animals.

© Daria Bondina - Shutterstock

What is the best diabetic dry cat food in 2025?

By Joseph Chance Content Writer

Published on the

Diabetes is a disease that can have serious consequences for cats, including osteoarthritis, vision problems, urinary problems, and reduced life expectancy. Fortunately, cat food manufacturers have developed special recipes for diabetic animals.

The choice is virtually endless: from grain-free kibbles that effectively regulate insulin levels to low-fat products that limit weight gain and vitamin-rich options. You can best protect your cat's health by seeking advice from a vet.

Your diabetic cat's diet should now meet specific criteria, such as low carbohydrate content, low energy density, and low glycaemic index. You'll also need to ensure that the kibble is made with quality ingredients, without chemical additives that could only make things worse.

Is your pet starting to develop diabetes? Help them feel better by choosing a suitable diet that will relieve the symptoms as much as possible. Take a look at our comparison to find the best options that will make your cat's day.

What causes diabetes in cats?

Diabetes mellitus in cats is caused by high blood glucose levels. This rise in blood sugar is caused by an insulin problem. When the glucose level exceeds 3 g per litre, it is released into the urine. It reaches the bladder, leading to several complications such as urinary tract infections.

In most cases, diabetes in cats is caused by obesity. Overweight animals are not very active and have no stamina. In addition, some breeds of cats are more susceptible to diabetes than others.

You should also know that the risk of diabetes in cats increases with age. This disease is very rare in kittens but is frequently found in older cats. In addition, male cats are more likely to suffer from diabetes than females.

How can I tell if my cat has diabetes?

Several symptoms can alert you to diabetes. Cats with diabetes are particularly hungry. They eat quickly and seem to want more: despite this, they do not gain weight, and some even lose weight.

If your cat has diabetes, you will see them urinate very frequently. They might no longer urinate in their litter box, but also completely new places: on the bed or in flowerpots. As cats are very clean animals, that is not normal behaviour. This frequent urination causes dehydration, making the cat constantly thirsty.

In addition, diabetic cats show deterioration in their general condition. The cats are less active. They no longer feel like playing and are reluctant to interact with humans. They are also less alert, and their coat loses its shine. Some animals even suffer from skin disorders.

How can diabetes in cats be treated?

Only a vet can tell you what treatment to follow to cure and relieve your diabetic cat. Diabetes mellitus is treated with medication but also with insulin injections. This is a serious treatment that should not be taken lightly.

Diabetic cat diet also plays an important role in the treatment. That is why it is necessary to choose appropriate food.

A diabetic cat needs a personalised diabetes treatment and monitoring by a professional for at least a month. This will be followed by regular injections at set times. If diabetes is diagnosed and managed early enough, your cat's condition may be reversed, especially if the animal is young.

If your cat is overweight, it will have to lose weight to reduce the symptoms of diabetes.

What should I feed my diabetic cat?

Diabetic cat food should be low in complex carbohydrates. It is essential to remove all sources of sugar from your cat's diet. Avoid industrial food, which is often made with low-quality ingredients.

Diabetic cat food should contain a maximum of 25% fat. This allows cats to regain their ideal weight gradually. On the other hand, dry food for diabetic cats should be high in protein. Opt for products that contain protein from lean meat. In this way, your cat will receive all the energy it needs without eating large quantities.

Wet cat food is also suitable for diabetics, as it allows your cat to stay well hydrated.

If your cat has severe diabetes, it may be necessary to introduce a home ration with quality meat or fish and minerals.

Make sure your cat stays physically active. Exercise coupled with a good diet is fundamental to the relief of diabetes.

Why should I buy dry food for diabetic cats?

Special diabetic cat food helps to regulate the insulin levels of sick animals. They also have a low fat content, which limits weight gain. Diabetic cat food balances the nutritional disorders that cause the disease.

This type of cat food has a low glycaemic index. On the other hand, diabetic cat food is high in fibre and protein. Since they are low in energy density, they are effective in controlling your cat's weight.

If your pet is diabetic, it is even more important to feed them at regular times. That prevents blood sugar spikes. If your cat is not overweight, you can leave the kibble out so that it can ration itself.

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