Cats’ eyes are very sensitive, so it’s essential to clean them properly with a lotion and a tear stain remover.
© Venus Angel - Shutterstock
What's the best cat tear stain remover in the UK?
Cat tear stain remover is one of the must-have items in your kitten's medicine chest. To avoid infection, it's essential to clean your pet's eyes regularly.
Cats' eyes can run for various reasons, including pollen that causes allergies, eyelashes that have grown in the wrong direction, or a scratch on the cornea. Some of these issues can be pretty serious.
If you see your cat rubbing their eyes, notice that they are red or eyelids are swollen, you should use suitable cat eye drops before taking your pet to the vet. To decrease the chance of conjunctivitis or another eye condition, you should wipe your pet's eyes once or twice a week. It's essential to use a suitable cat tear stain remover with the same pH as tears not to irritate the eyes any further.
Are you about to welcome your first kitty? Equip yourself for its arrival by choosing the best cat eye treatment. To help you get ready, we've put together this short guide.
Why should I cleanse my cat's eyes?
Eyes are sensitive and fragile organs, and even the slightest problem can have very unpleasant consequences. That's why it's vital to cleanse your cat's eyes regularly.
Using the right products will reduce the risk of watery eyes and conjunctivitis.
Please keep in mind that long-haired cats are more susceptible to conjunctivitis than short-haired ones. Long hair and the dust it collects are serious eye irritants.
What should I do if my cat has an eye problem?
If your pet is scratching their eyes, if their eyes are constantly running, or if their eyelids seem swollen to you, first make sure the symptoms are not caused by a foreign object, such as a speck of dust or a blade of grass. Your pet may also be suffering from inward growing eyelashes that rub against the eyeball.
Cat owners who let their pets outside in the spring need to be extra careful, for new blades of grass can cause irreversible damage to the animal's eyes. They slip under the eyelid and keep advancing as soon as the cat makes eyelid movements. Remember to check your pet's eyes as soon as they return from a walk!
After cleansing your cat's eyes with a suitable product, it is essential to take them to the vet. Only a vet can prescribe the treatment your pet needs. The professional will also make sure that the cat is not suffering from anything serious.
As you treat your cat's eye condition, try to keep them from rubbing their eyes. Corneal ulcers or conjunctivitis are very painful, and the cat's instinct is to scratch the spot in the hope of relief. Putting a small collar around your cat's neck usually does the trick.
How can I tell if my cat has an eye problem?
If your cat has an eye problem, they will keep trying to scratch off whatever is bothering them. Their eyes may be red and their eyelids swollen. Your pet may also have difficulty opening or closing their eyes. Watery eyes are another common sign of an eye condition.
In any case, if your cat's eyes hurt, you definitely won't miss it. You'll need to use appropriate cat eye care to cleanse the pet's eyes thoroughly and then take them to the vet to determine what is causing the problem.
How do I cleanse my cat's eyes?
To cleanse your cat's eyes properly, you must be gentle not to hurt or frighten the animal.
Only use suitable products recommended by your vet. Otherwise, you could cause further irritation! Follow the instructions carefully to avoid bacterial resistance. Some small sensitive cats can also develop allergies to unsuitable products.
Do not use cotton swabs. Even though they seem soft and practical, they could hurt your pet. Instead, use soaked pads, a saline solution, or other eye cleansing products. Change the pad to cleanse the other eye, and then dry by gently dabbing the eyelids with a tissue.
Can I put saline in my cat's eyes?
Yes, saline is widely used to cleanse cat eyes. This product's pH is adapted to cat tears and does not irritate the eyes any further. In addition, this type of eye solution contains antiseptics to eliminate any bacteria that may be in contact with the eye.
Why does my cat have runny eyes?
Cats can suffer from runny eyes for several reasons. The cat may have hurt or scratched its eye, which has caused the cornea to inflame. Discomfort may be caused by a foreign object, too. An object as small as a speck of dust is enough to make your cat cry.
A blocked tear duct can also cause runny eyes. Some cats also suffer from entropion, meaning the eyelid is curling inwards abnormally, which causes inflammation of the cornea.
Another possible reason is Coryza syndrome, a severe and potentially fatal disease. If you notice that your little friend has runny eyes, do not put off a visit to the vet.