
A cat sitting next to a pot of best cat grass

Cat grass is essential for the health of your cat's digestive system.

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What is the best cat grass in 2024?

By Joseph Chance Content Writer

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Cat grass plays a significant role in your pet's well-being. Whether it's to soothe their irritated digestive system or to cheer them up, grass for cats is a must-have for all prospective cat owners.

Are you about to welcome a new kitten companion? Cat grass is essential for your pet's health. Small shoots of wheat and barley have a purifying effect that helps cats eliminate the hairballs they frequently ingest. You can quickly grow these herbs at home.

Be careful not to confuse cat grass with catnip: the former is edible. The latter, on the other hand, is not supposed to be eaten and has euphoric effects. A similar effect is produced by catmint, valerian, and matatabi. They work like a drug, but the effects only last a few minutes!

Are you about to welcome a new kitty into the family? Discover the different types of cat grass, their advantages, and disadvantages in this buyer's guide.

What is cat grass used for?

Cat grass promotes the digestive well-being of your feline companion. Cats are very clean animals who spend a lot of time licking themselves, but they swallow hair in the process. They then spit out most of it, but their digestive tract may gradually become blocked, causing an intestinal obstruction. It is particularly common for indoor cats that do not have access to outdoor grass.

Catnip or catmint has a euphoric effect on the animal. You can put it in your pet's toys from time to time to keep them amused.

These plants have many benefits and are an essential source of vitamins for cats.

Where can I buy cat grass?

You can buy grass for your cat in specialist shops, pet shops, and garden centres. Do not hesitate to ask the salespeople there for their opinion! It's not hard to grow it yourself either.

Catnip is also sold in pet shops, but you can find it in the wild, too. It grows in somewhat rocky areas.

How do I use cat grass?

Place the grass tray where your pet can easily reach it. They will come and take a few sprigs when they feel like it.

Catnip powder is an excellent way to get your feline companion to go wherever you want them to go. All you have to do is sprinkle a little powder on your cat's cushion or cat tree. The scent is particularly attractive to cats and will distract them from your curtains, bed, or sofa, for example.

Which cat grass seeds should I use?

The best way to go about it is to plant barley seeds. They will grow straight and bushy, and your pet will enjoy munching on them. Indoor grass is 15-30 cm high and can be grown at any time of the year.

Does cat grass grow back?

Cat grass does not grow back once the animal has nibbled on it. But cats never eat the whole box at once! All you have to do is replant seeds from time to time to keep the grass growing.

How do I care for cat grass?

To care for the grass properly:

  1. Place it in a bright room without direct sunlight.
  2. If you put it outside in spring and summer, place it in a shady spot.
  3. Be careful not to overwater it, as the roots may rot.

You will find that cat grass is very low-maintenance.

How do I use catnip?

The best strategy is to opt for organic plants that are guaranteed to be chemical-free.

You can buy it fresh to allow the animal to be in direct contact with the plant or dried catnip. The dried product will release its aroma once you rub it against a surface. Catnip spray is ideal for attracting the animal's attention to a particular area.

How do I give dried catnip to my cat?

If you are looking for a dried product, choose one made of mint, whose leaves contain a high proportion of nepetalactone. You can sprinkle it on your pet's toys for fun!

When is the best time to start giving cat grass to a kitten?

Leave the grass out for the mother cat to purge whenever she wants. Her kittens will follow their mother's example when they feel ready. They will not risk anything, even if they nibble on a few strands of barley when they are very young. On the contrary, by following the example of an adult, they learn to imitate these essential behaviour patterns.

Catnip can help to reassure your young kitten when it arrives at your home at two months old.

What effect does cat grass have on a cat that uses it?

Cat grass helps the animal to purge. It contains vegetable fibers that clean the digestive system and reduce the risk of intestinal blockages. On the other hand, this natural treatment for cats has no effect on worms and does not replace a suitable dewormer!

As for catnip, it's a bit of a drug for cats! When they smell it, they experience euphoric feelings. It can also reduce a cat's stress and make it easier for two animals that don't know each other to live together.

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