Cat leads are used to take cats outside and let them enjoy nature and explore their surroundings.
© Nau Nau - Shutterstock
What is the best cat lead in 2025?
A cat lead allows your pet to enjoy walks in a garden or the countryside safely. This is very reassuring for owners who can keep an eye on their pet at all times. Check out our buying guide and choose the lead for your kitty!
Let your cat enjoy nature and freedom by taking them on a walk outside. If you live in a flat, your pet doesn't have the opportunity to discover new environments, and this outing can be great for cheering them up! They will be able to sniff around, play, run and exercise. Cats are curious animals, and exploring their surroundings is a rewarding activity for them. If you choose a long cat lead, they can even give unleash their hunting instincts.
However, the feeling of being tied up is unpleasant for many cats and can even cause a lot of stress in some of them. That's why you'll need to gently train your pet to walk on a lead outside. Ideally, you should start with short outings at a young age.
Why should I buy a cat lead?
A cat lead allows your pet to enjoy the outdoors safely. This way, you can take your cat with you when you go for a walk so that they can have fun in the sun and discover a new environment. They'll be happy to explore the garden or countryside with you.
Walking your cat on a leash is also very reassuring for the owner, especially if you have a runaway pet, as they can't escape and will stay by your side. It is an excellent opportunity to spend some quality time together with your pet.
Cat harnesses and collars should feel like a second skin. They should not limit your pet's movements at all, even when the animal jumps and runs around.
How do I choose the right cat lead?
When choosing the best cat lead for your cat, pay attention to the length of the leash. Some are very short, about 1.20 metres long, which would only allow your cat to walk at your feet. This is a practical solution if you live in the city and walk on pavements. Otherwise, long leashes are recommended for owners who want to give their pets more freedom.
Make sure to check the strength of the cord. It must be able to withstand the pulling of an excited or scared cat.
Opt for a nylon leash, which is light, breathable and durable. It's also easy to clean.
What are the advantages and disadvantages of walking your cat on a lead?
Walking your cat on a lead satisfies your cat's curiosity and the need to explore. This way, your cat won't be confined to your flat all the time and will be able to experience the world outside. Enjoying the outdoors is very fulfilling for cats. This activity helps them to relieve boredom and improves their physical condition.
However, cats don't always like to be restrained and can quickly become stressed. If your pet starts to struggle violently at the end of the leash, it could even hurt itself. Make sure you choose a really quiet place for your walks that is free from negative stimuli.
How do you get your cat used to wearing a lead?
Wearing a lead is not natural for cats, who are very independent and self-sufficient animals. If you want to take your pet for a walk, you should gently get them used to the lead and harness or collar.
To do this, begin by showing them that the lead is absolutely safe. Leave the harness and leash on the floor among your cat's toys and let your cat play with them! Use the leash to play with your cat: it should be a positive experience for them. Once they are familiar with the harness, put it on while the animal is in the house. You should not go outside until your pet is entirely comfortable with the lead!
It is crucial to start training your cat to walk on a lead from a young age. It's much harder to get an adult cat used to something they have never experienced before!
For your first trip outside, choose a quiet place with little traffic. Your pet can easily be frightened by an unfamiliar noise! Go gently and at the animal’s own pace: just a few steps the first few days. In the beginning, always bring your pet to the same place so that they can take the time to get used to the new environment.
Are leads suitable for all breeds of cats?
Yes, cats of all breeds can get used to walking on a leash and enjoy the outdoors. Of course, it is vital to choose a harness that is adapted to your pet's body. A Maine Coon is very different in size and strength from a Turkish Van!
There are also large harnesses specially designed for large cats. For smaller breeds, opt for nylon models, which are light and flexible.
As for the leash length, everything depends on what you want to do with your pet. If you wish to take them for a walk and keep them next to you on the pavement, a short 120 cm leash will be enough. If you want to let your cat roam in the wild, choose a long cat leash of at least 10 metres.