
Black cat in a bathroom in front of mirror
© jacksongalaxy - TikTok

Cat sees its reflection in mirror for first time and has hilarious reaction

By Emilie Heyl Content Writer

Published on the

Monkeys can recognise their own reflection in a mirror. However, this is not the case for all animals. 

And it’s usually very funny when an animal sees himself in a mirror for the first time. This adorable black cat's reaction when he sees his reflection in the mirror is hilarious.

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Cat in the mirror

Jackson Galaxy is a huge fan of cats, so much so that he created a TikTok account giving tips and explaining the cat’s behaviour. He also likes to share amusing videos of cats and we had a lot of fun scrolling through his account. We came across a hilarious video that we wanted to share with you.

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In the video, we can see a black cat named Buster in a bathroom. He’s sitting on the side of the sink in front of a mirror. “What is that?...” Buster is wondering.

Very slowly, he stands up and sees his reflection. He definitely feels confused by what he is seeing: his ears are positioned on each side, and he moves very slowly, always keeping a close eye on his double, who is reproducing the same movements as him at the same time.

Realising it's him!

People commented on the cat's expression, noting that he seemed very aware that the reflection was his own and not another cat.

"This level of self-awareness in a cat is incredible," wrote one user.

Others had fun connecting with the Disney cartoon Snow White: "Mirror mirror on the wall, who is the most beautiful cat of all?"

 "Her whole life has just changed." And yes, Buster has a whole new perspective on life now!

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