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Owner is mortified to see what comes out of her dog’s mouth while at the vets

By Justine Seraphin Country Manager

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If you own a dog, then you know that dogs will eat practically anything. But sometimes, it’s still surprising to see how far they’ll go for a snack…

About a month ago, a dog owner realised that her Rottweiler looked unwell. Worried for her pooch, she took him to the vet for an examination.

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Rottweiler swallows unknown object

At the clinic, it was deduced that the dog had eaten something he shouldn’t have, and it was causing a blockage of some sort. 

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The vet, therefore, gave the dog something to help him be sick, hoping he would throw up whatever he had swallowed. And it worked! Minutes later, the dog was sick and revealed what had been causing the blockage…to his owner’s horror!

Dog throws up unusual toy 

Indeed, the dog threw up a large, bright pink adult toy! Who knows how he got his teeth onto that?

Despite feeling a little ashamed, the dog’s mum was mostly relieved that her pet was out of danger and most certainly feeling better. 

If this story teaches us anything, it’s that when you have a dog at home, it’s best to keep absolutely EVERYTHING out of reach!

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