
cat sat in the bathroom

Cat takes revenge on owner for banning it from bathroom and everyone's in stitches

By Emilie Heyl Content Writer

Published on the

A TikTok user's cat just doesn't like being kicked out of her owner's life. Here is the solution he found to get revenge!

m_clayclay is the owner of a kitten named Theo. Like many other cats, whose proverbial curiosity we know, he too likes to be aware of everything that is happening around him. All the time!

So when his human wants to be alone for a while, his cat is very upset and won’t hesitate to unleash all his frustration!

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A little privacy, is it too much to ask for?!?

When the girl locked herself in her bathroom and left her cat outside the door, it didn't go down too well and Theo got really mad. So he started putting his paw underneath the door and grabbing the carpet.

Even though the girl managed to get it back with her foot, that was just a small victory. In fact, Theo did not give up; on the contrary, with renewed ardor, he appropriated the object of the dispute, definitively winning the war of the mat!

366 thousand likes in just a few days!

This video clearly shows the extraordinary power of the internet because you’ve probably seen many videos of cats sticking their paws underneath doors. So why did Theo get so many likes and over 2000 comments ? We do not know, but surely, in the firmament of the cats of TikTok, there is now a new star!

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