
Cat rescue

Lorry driver performing vehicle inspection suddenly calls emergency services

By Zoë Monk Content Writer

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This lorry driver made a surprising discovery while checking his heavy goods vehicle.

Little did this lorry driver know that his routine vehicle inspection was about to save a life.

Last May in Ohio, USA, a lorry driver was performing his usual walk-around inspection before setting off.

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Surprise discovery

During the inspection, he noticed a small bundle stuck between the wheels of his articulated lorry.

To his surprise, he discovered a tiny grey and white kitten. The driver immediately contacted the Ohio State Highway Patrol for assistance.

Very calm kitten

The rescue team unscrewed one of the wheels to free the animal. Described as 'very calm', the kitten was quickly placed with a local rescue organisation.

It didn’t take long for the feline to find a permanent home. 

A few weeks later, a local family adopted it.

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