
Siberian cat

Woman starts sneezing, her Siberian cat's reaction leaves everyone in stitches

By Zoë Monk Content Writer

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A Siberian cat has gone viral after his reaction to his mum's sneezing turned into an uproarious spectacle of zoomies.

Nimbus, a beloved internet sensation with over a million Instagram followers, is known for his comical antics – especially his loud, racetrack-like zoomies.

But the Siberian cat's latest outburst took hilarity to new heights when a simple sneeze sent him into full aeroplane mode.

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Sneeze triggered zoomies

Nimbus, who normally enjoys a calm, controlled environment, was clearly not a fan of his mum's sneeze. The sound was too much for him, prompting a frantic dash around the house.

As his paws slapped the floor with turbocharged speed, viewers were left wondering if they were hearing his feet or a sound effect from a comedy show.

Sensitive felines

Loud noises like sneezes often unsettle cats, as they can perceive them as sudden threats. Cats, as natural predators, prefer being able to anticipate their surroundings, and loud surprises can trigger their fight-or-flight response. Though Nimbus’ zoomies were a comical sight, pet owners are advised to avoid startling cats, especially when they’re relaxed, to help them feel secure.

For Nimbus, however, it’s clear that sneezes are a bridge too far – and he’s taking full advantage of his zoomies to make his feelings known!

Here you can watch Nimbus and his sneeze-triggered zoomies:

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